Fall Final Review

  1. 3. using academic or professional _____ adds credibility to writing (info move)
  2. 9. the third section of this is where you can find your moves lists
  3. 11. the message behind a story (narrative move)
  4. 12. having an author or publisher you ___ makes info more believable (info move)
  5. 16. repeating consonant sounds at the start of words
  6. 19. the problem or issue a character is facing (narrative move)
  7. 20. a title over a section of text that gives an idea of the main idea (info move)
  8. 21. the most intense part of a story (narrative move)
  9. 23. an exaggeration
  10. 26. using the five senses in description
  11. 27. the end of a story where things wrap up (narrative move)
  12. 29. another word for short, like your paragraphs should be in info writing (info move)
  13. 30. you can slow this down by adding more detail (narrative move)
  1. 1. graphs, pictures, and models are examples of these, which might be added to a text (info move)
  2. 2. narration from this person uses I, we, etc. (narrative move)
  3. 4. using direct and indirect information to bring characters to life (narrative move)
  4. 5. when something represents a larger idea
  5. 6. where something is taking place (narrative move)
  6. 7. what an author can give to show where their info came from (info move)
  7. 8. stands for main idea, evidence, link, and conclusion
  8. 10. a ___ thought ends a text on something for the reader to think about
  9. 13. repeating whole words or phrases
  10. 14. the acronym for the three things that should always be at the start of a piece of writing that references another text
  11. 15. a comparison using like or as
  12. 17. a comparison were one thing becomes another
  13. 18. this type of writing has moves like using headers, brief paragraphs, and ending on a call to action
  14. 22. how a text makes the reader feel (narrative move)
  15. 24. giving human qualities to something not human
  16. 25. character talking to another or themselves (narrative move)
  17. 28. narration from this person comes from outside the action (narrative move)