Fall In Minnesota

  1. 4. Apples favorite drink
  2. 5. Arched back, bad luck
  3. 6. Not summer, not winter
  4. 7. Day and night are equal
  5. 9. Famolus lake
  6. 10. cozy home
  7. 11. Overcoat for chilly weather
  8. 12. And sunrise
  9. 14. Carved out
  10. 17. Falling from above
  11. 21. Common tourist location for shopping
  1. 1. Lake of MN
  2. 2. All the colors of the trees
  3. 3. Lovely to look at
  4. 6. A tasty fall favorite
  5. 8. another way to travel via lake
  6. 12. The best lake in town
  7. 13. Kiddies going back to this
  8. 15. Extending this branch
  9. 16. A holiday for the kiddies
  10. 18. Boundary Waters Camping Adventure
  11. 19. Where the MN Tourists go
  12. 20. Warmth for your neck