Fall of Superbus

  1. 1. Latin term for the people, central to the Republic’s name
  2. 4. Noblewoman whose fate sparked the rebellion
  3. 5. Advisory council to the consuls, originally composed of nobles
  4. 6. Leader in overthrowing the monarchy, first consul
  5. 9. Aristocratic class in early Rome, held most power
  6. 12. Form of government established after the monarchy
  7. 13. Tarquinius’ predecessor, known for reforms
  8. 14. Region of Italy where Rome is located
  9. 15. Underground sewer system built under Tarquinius' reign
  10. 17. Civilization influencing early Rome, Tarquinian origins
  11. 18. Last king of Rome, overthrown for his tyranny
  1. 2. Epithet meaning "the Proud"
  2. 3. Emergency office held for six months during crises
  3. 7. Family name of the last Roman kings
  4. 8. Son of Tarquinius who violated Lucretia
  5. 10. Husband of Lucretia and co-founder of the Republic
  6. 11. Brutus' family name, symbol of the Republic
  7. 12. PUBLICA Latin for "public affair," the new form of government
  8. 15. One of two elected officials replacing the king
  9. 16. Etruscan city-state rival to early Rome