fall out of rome

  1. 1. Augustulus, the last emperor in the western Roman Empire overthrown in 476 at age of 14
  2. 5. increased prices for goods and services combined with the reduced value of money
  3. 7. a soldier who is paid to fight for another country or group without dedication and honor to country
  4. 8. barbarian rough leader Leader of the Huns from 433-453 and the most successful of the
  5. 13. A new city to save the people in dying Rome.
  6. 14. one of the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire when many tribes invaded the empire
  7. 16. Ages, the name given to Medieval Europe due to its lack of societal and intellectual and political and economic progress
  8. 18. of Milan, issued by Constantine in 313 ended the “great persecution’ and legalized Christianity in the Roman empire
  9. 19. Government, commodus started the fall of Rome and other contributed by being bad rulers stealing from the treasury causing the senate to fail and losing power
  10. 21. a record or narrative description of past events
  11. 22. The year that Constantinople was sacked by the Ottoman Turks and meant that Byzantium had collapsed.
  12. 24. Nomadic people from Asia who attacked the Roman Empire.
  13. 25. Political changes to make things better
  14. 27. king of the Visigoths who marched his troops across the alps toward Rome and put the city under siege stormed Rome in 410 and plundered it for 3 days
  15. 28. Germanic tribe who sacked Rome from northern Africa in 455
  1. 2. a soldier who is paid to fight for another country or group without dedication and honor to country
  2. 3. invaders of the Roman Empire
  3. 4. General who became emperor in 284 A.D. Worked to boost the economy.
  4. 6. ancient Roman emperor who succeeded his father Marcus Aurelius and began the decline of the Roman Empire
  5. 9. of Nicaea, Christian council that met in 325 to determine the question of the trinity decided on the divinity of all three persons
  6. 10. a group of people with shared ancestry and customs
  7. 11. Middle Ages, 500-1066 AD dates from the end of the Roman Empire. Characterized by the rise of many smaller kingdoms in the absence of Roman power.
  8. 12. Problems, one of the reasons for the fall of Rome related to increased prices for resources increased taxes and decreased resources and decrease in value of money
  9. 15. an extended group having a distinctive cultural organization
  10. 17. Artistic representation that aims for accuracy
  11. 20. Germanic barbarian leader who ended the western Roman Empire in 476 and became the first barbarian ruler of Italy (434-493)
  12. 23. fall of the Western Roman Empire
  13. 26. the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve