Fall Review

  1. 4. repetition of the consistent sound
  2. 5. deep sorrow
  3. 7. time of the Sleeper
  4. 8. a tomb
  5. 12. Arthur, The king in the WOB tale
  6. 13. the lady in the Sleeper
  7. 16. virginity
  8. 17. a knight who owned a castle
  9. 19. to cling to
  10. 20. a river in the underworld
  1. 1. short for meadow
  2. 2. indeed
  3. 3. the number of times the Wife of Bath was married
  4. 6. comparison using like or as
  5. 9. What qualified the wife to speak
  6. 10. the code of honor knights were to live by
  7. 11. for this reason
  8. 14. lines in a poem
  9. 15. an old hag
  10. 18. to remain virginal