Fall Season

  1. 3. something you find in a field and pick to carve or decorate
  2. 4. people usually hunt these animals around Thanksgiving for antlers
  3. 7. something that you eat with apple cider that is warm, soft, sugar coated, and delicious
  4. 9. something that is in the middle of the corn field to scare the birds, specifically the crows away
  5. 12. holiday where kids go tricker-treating that is in the month of October
  6. 13. usually have this kind of pie at Thanksgiving dinner that is made out of pumpkin
  7. 14. usually have this as the main dish at Thanksgiving dinners; its a white meat and a type of bird that is eaten
  8. 15. set up a fire at night and sit in a circle to talk with friends; what is this called?
  1. 1. something that is also picked from a field or garden but eaten as a sautéed vegetable or made as a spaghetti; usually yellow or orange
  2. 2. something that you can drink warm or cold that is made from apples
  3. 5. something you put your hot apple-cider in
  4. 6. usually wear these type of shoes when it gets cold and wet/damp outside; think of what men usually wear when they work outside
  5. 8. something you wear when it is cold outside that is not a jacket or long-sleeve; usually called "_________ weather"
  6. 10. a place that is surrounded by corn that you follow a path to get yourself out of
  7. 11. something that falls from trees when it starts to get cold in the fall