fall semester exam

  1. 3. side side side
  2. 5. location on line
  3. 7. angle that is always larger than 90°
  4. 8. ratio between the side next to an acute angle in a right triangle and the hypotenuse.
  5. 10. if they have a common side and a common vertex.
  6. 11. angle angle side
  7. 13. extending infinitely in both directions
  8. 14. a measure of its steepness.
  1. 1. line that divides something into two equal parts.
  2. 2. line cuts another line into two equal parts
  3. 4. pair formed when two lines intersect each other at a single point
  4. 6. line segment joining a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side
  5. 9. side angle side
  6. 10. two straight lines or rays meet at a common endpoint
  7. 12. Hypotenuse-Leg