- 3. an act where when a player with the ball passes the goal line and into the end zone
- 4. Passing a spiked or rapidly hit ball. Slang for the art of passing an attacked ball close to the floor
- 5. the illegal restraining of a player who is not in possession of the football in order to gain an advantage
- 8. Used to put the ball into play
- 9. an act of stopping the offense of player with the ball by grabbing them and bringing them to the ground
- 10. An attack that results in an immediate point or side out
- 12. an act which a player loses control of the football
- 13. The clockwise movement of player around the court and through the serving position following a side out
- 14. hitting the ball with your head
- 15. when the goalie blocks a shot
- 17. The offensive action of hitting the ball. The attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponents side
- 18. any attempt to kick the ball into the goal
- 1. a position in soccer with the job of guarding the goal
- 2. Also hit or attack. A ball contacted with force by a player on the offensive team who intends to terminate the ball on the opponent's floor or off the opponent's blocker
- 5. a violation whenever a non goalie touches the ball with their hand or arm
- 6. when the ball is kicked into the net and it counts as a point
- 7. the player who has the 2nd of 3 contacts of the ball who 'sets' the ball with an overhand pass for a teammate to hit
- 8. to tackle the quarter back behind the line of scrimmage
- 11. an act of a defensive player catching a forward pass
- 14. a gathering of the offensive team in a close circle behind the line of scrimmage
- 16. a serve that is not passable and results immediately in a point
- 17. the pass that goes to the player that scores the goal