Fall UnStucking

  1. 1. starch water and kindergarten
  2. 4. ease
  3. 5. October leaves and in love
  4. 7. balance of extrospective
  5. 8. feeling hopeless
  6. 11. alpha, theta, delta
  7. 13. strong want
  8. 14. afternoon superpower
  9. 15. mind, body, spirit and
  10. 16. power
  11. 18. unfettered
  12. 22. stability
  1. 1. on Halloween night or past bad memories
  2. 2. positive thinking is
  3. 3. insecurity squirts out as
  4. 6. bullies and scarecrows
  5. 9. questions
  6. 10. yang's other half
  7. 12. morning superpower
  8. 17. evening superpower
  9. 19. midday superpower
  10. 20. rocket fuel to propel you out of helplessness
  11. 21. from here to there