  1. 3. winding in a continuous and gradually widening curve
  2. 5. clever, original, and inventive
  3. 7. pausing before doing something because of doubt
  4. 10. have a similar appearance to or qualities in common with
  5. 11. have an effect of the development or behavior of someone
  6. 12. the surroundings or conditions in which a person lives
  7. 14. having a circular cross-section
  1. 1. a period of gradual decline
  2. 2. extremely angry
  3. 4. remarkable enough to be famous; very well known
  4. 6. when things seem right or suitable together
  5. 8. have a close parallel to an idea or look
  6. 9. in a way that gives pleasure through beauty
  7. 13. an unorthodox or independent-minded person