False Friends

  1. 3. To hold onto something tightly
  2. 5. Nickname
  3. 6. Nominate
  4. 8. Meat from the cow
  5. 10. Understand for the first time
  6. 13. A famous person
  7. 17. The boss of a magazine
  8. 19. Clothing
  9. 21. A diary
  10. 22. Family members
  11. 26. A school of terciary education
  12. 27. Present someone to another person
  13. 30. Adjective describing a person who doesn't work anymore
  14. 33. Clothing worn in a theatre play or at Carnival
  15. 34. An outside area extending from an upper floor room
  16. 35. Give counsel to someone
  17. 36. Finally
  1. 1. Beautiful and delicate
  2. 2. A container that jam comes in
  3. 4. Make as if something is real that isn't
  4. 7. Preconceptions
  5. 9. Material used for making clothing
  6. 11. A midday meal
  7. 12. Give strength to someone or something
  8. 14. Register for a course
  9. 15. A form of physical exertion to get fit
  10. 16. The part around the neck of a shirt
  11. 18. A foodstuff popular in Italy
  12. 20. A type of fabric used in the making of clothes
  13. 23. A wound or sore on the body
  14. 24. In reality
  15. 25. A person who receives something
  16. 28. A warning or sign
  17. 29. To reach an agreement by making concessions
  18. 31. A scheduled meeting
  19. 32. The way out