- 2. Rodent that petrifies your wife and youngest daughter
- 4. Your youngest sister in law
- 6. The make of car you taught her to drive stick on
- 7. Kimberly & Mommy's dream vacation
- 10. What Kimberly names EVERY new doll or toy before changing it
- 11. Scares you to death, but it's a roller coaster to Peanut
- 13. Your wife and daughter's musical identity
- 15. Mom Mom's favorite great grandchild
- 17. The maiden that became the middle
- 18. The line broke, the monkey got _______
- 21. Peanut's Aunt Angie
- 26. What your Dad called your wife in the 90s
- 27. What Muffin and Melissa McCarthy have in common
- 28. How we had to keep baby Kimberly from crying in the car
- 31. Number of braids willie nelson has
- 32. Your dream vacation
- 33. Justin's girlfriend's name
- 34. Your favorite thing to do that is not watching your phone
- 35. Our wedding song
- 36. The Carrie you crush on
- 1. Justin's high school name
- 2. Kimberly's favorite toy doctor
- 3. The exact animal you will not allow in the house
- 5. Rip, Beth, Casino, Death
- 8. The kind of car your dad said was part of the scariest moment of his life
- 9. Your favorite nephew
- 12. Where Kennywood is located
- 14. Harley, to you
- 16. The village where you met your wife
- 19. The thing Shyann would do ANYTHING to get done
- 20. They sing the first song that you sent me from vacation
- 22. Kimberly had a morning one and a night time one
- 23. Kimberly's Teacher's name Mrs.
- 24. The type of animal your wife will not allow in the house
- 25. Mom Mom's favorite grandchild
- 29. The only Katy Perry song Kimberly knows
- 30. Shyann's current identity phase