- 1. What cats use for defense
- 4. Cat name
- 12. Sasha’s teacher
- 13. tabletop game that Sasha quit playing halfway
- 14. Mommy’s favorite language
- 15. Big city
- 20. State in the USA
- 21. City
- 2. brick toy
- 3. Aunt’s favorite schoolhouse in Hogwarts
- 5. Mommy’s favorite schoolshouse in Hogwarts
- 6. Finn’s favoriTe food
- 7. Daddy’s favorite schoolhouse in Hogwarts
- 8. ooyey-gooyey toy
- 9. Symbol to end each sentence
- 10. Cat name
- 11. Daddy’s favorite way of transportation
- 16. Sasha’s teacher
- 17. Mommy’s favorite video game
- 18. Sasha’s teacher
- 19. Bunk where Finn sleeps