
  1. 2. The power or right to give orders
  2. 4. Speak to or treat with disrespect
  3. 6. Having the ability to do or achieve a specified thing
  4. 8. A person who earns money to support their family
  5. 9. Harmed in character by being treated too leniently or indulgently
  6. 11. A load, typically a heavy one
  7. 13. Responsibility for a fault or wrong
  8. 14. To trust someone
  1. 1. When teenagers want to live an independent life
  2. 3. Cause someone to feel honoured and pleased
  3. 5. Not receiving proper attention
  4. 7. Regard with respect or warm approval
  5. 10. Cause to feel upset, annoyed
  6. 12. Struggle or fight