
  1. 2. your parents brother
  2. 3. Your male significant other who has engaged you, but you are not married yet.
  3. 4. The sister of your mom/dad.
  4. 6. your life partner who is a woman.
  5. 7. Your parents siblings kid.
  6. 9. your sibling's son
  7. 10. your female significant other who your engaged to.
  8. 12. Your mother's son.
  9. 13. Someone's girl child
  10. 14. Your whole family included (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles)
  11. 15. Your female parent
  1. 1. A family with only two kids and two parents
  2. 5. Your sibling's daughter .
  3. 8. A family where only one parent looks after the child, cause of divorce, death.
  4. 11. Someone's boy