
  1. 5. your father’s sister is your ..........
  2. 7. your mother’s mother is your ……......
  3. 9. your stepmother‘s son is your ……….......
  4. 10. two children born on the same day
  5. 11. you are your grandparent’s ……………………………..
  6. 12. your father’s faterh is your ……………………………..
  7. 14. your stepfather‘s daughter is your ……………………..
  8. 15. your father’s daughter is your ………………
  9. 16. three children born on the same day
  10. 17. your mother’s brother is your ..........
  11. 18. when your father marries another woman she is your ……………………………….
  12. 20. your uncle’s/aunt’s daughter is your .............
  1. 1. your uncle’s / aunt’s son is your .........
  2. 2. your sister’s husband is your ……………………………………..
  3. 3. your grandmother’s son is you …………………
  4. 4. your mother’s son is your …………..
  5. 6. your father’s parents are your ………………………………………
  6. 8. your grandparent’s parents are your ……………………..
  7. 9. your brother’s wife is your ……………………
  8. 13. when your mother marries another man he is your …………………………..
  9. 19. your grandmother’s daughter is your ………………….