Family as you know them

  1. 4. / Kor's favourite sport
  2. 5. / Mei's favourite kpop band
  3. 6. / Dad's favourite sport
  4. 9. : Dad's Bdayyyy [DD/MM/YYYY]
  5. 10. / the tape Kor uses for his muscles
  6. 13. : Mei's favourite date(YYMMDD)[EXO TLP]
  7. 14. / Mei's favourite fruit
  8. 16. / Mei's favourite color
  9. 17. : Mei's birthdayyyy [DD/MM/YYYY]
  1. 1. MAN / the variety show you, mom, Kai kor and myself like to watch
  2. 2. / Mei's favourite food
  3. 3. / always our last minute arrangements between Kai kor, you, Kor and Mei
  4. 7. / We like to go on _____ when we dont have school for a log period of time
  5. 8. : Mom's Bdayyyy [DD/MM/YYYY]
  6. 9. : Kor's Bdayyyy [DD/MM/YYYY]
  7. 11. / The family's interest that we had eaten after doing the hobby
  8. 12. / Used to be Kor's favourite kpop girl group
  9. 15. 21 / The rifle Kor uses and the rifle i like