Family Business SKIT by 2 OF US

  1. 1. The name of the oldest family business hotel in Japan
  2. 2. Over 30% of family businesses survive the transition of leadership to the _______ generation
  3. 5. A corporation that is entirely owned by the members of a single family (Two words)
  4. 8. Individual or institution that legally owns a share of stock
  5. 9. A person who has to transmit trust to his/her followers
  6. 11. An inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others
  7. 12. The birth stage of the family life cycle is related to Family-of-_______
  8. 13. The last name of our family business teacher
  9. 16. Name of one of the producers of "No name Production"
  10. 17. Adult _______ is common in Japan to keep the family business
  1. 1. The company that was sold for £18 billions to Warren Buffet and others
  2. 3. _______ % of the world’s businesses are family owned
  3. 4. Transactional leaders and _______ leaders
  4. 6. What conditions are the main concerns of the family business leaders?
  5. 7. The relation of an owner to the thing possessed; possession with the right to transfer possession to others
  6. 8. The person who inherits the business
  7. 10. Name of the Indian family business in Hong Kong
  8. 14. Family business system includes Family, Ownership and
  9. 15. What firms typically outperform non-family firms?