Family Day

  1. 3. sisters favorite pet
  2. 4. mine and my brothers birthday
  3. 5. Our favorite celebration
  4. 6. my favorite color
  5. 7. Dad's birthday
  6. 9. brothers birthday
  7. 11. families favorite juice
  8. 13. sisters favorite animal
  9. 15. Mom's birthday
  10. 17. How many family members are there?
  11. 18. eldest brothers birthday
  12. 19. How many sisters do I have?
  1. 1. Our last vacation
  2. 2. my favorite fruit
  3. 8. family's favorite food
  4. 10. Our birth country
  5. 12. A school we have all attended
  6. 14. How many brothers do I have?
  7. 16. Sisters birthday
  8. 17. moms favorite season