- 1. a network of people who are related by marriage, birth or adoption
- 7. consists of the individual his or her spouse, and their children
- 11. consists of three or more generations of a family sharing the same residence.
- 14. mother holds most authority
- 16. the newly married couple is expected to live with or near the husbands parents
- 17. newly married couple is free to set up their residence apart from both sets of parents
- 19. allows the newly married couple to choose whether they will live near the husbands parents or near the wife's parents
- 2. marriage between individuals who have different social characteristics
- 3. a woman is permitted to marry more then one man at a time
- 4. marriage with multiple partners.
- 5. the father holds the most authority
- 6. kinship is traced through both parents and property can be inherited from either side of the family
- 7. the nuclear family into which the person is born.
- 8. the tracing of kinship through the mothers's family
- 9. trace kinship through the father's family
- 10. authority is shared equally between mother and father
- 12. consists of one or both parents and their children.
- 13. a group of people who are related by marriage, blood or adoption and who live together and share economic resources
- 14. the newly married couple is expected to live with or near the wife's parents
- 15. the marriage of one man to one woman
- 18. a man is permitted to marry more then one woman at a time.