Famous artists

  1. 3. Italian Renaissance artist known for his Madonnas and The School of Athens
  2. 5. Spanish surrealist artist known for his melting clocks in The Persistence of Memory
  3. 6. Italian Renaissance artist known for The Birth of Venus and Primavera
  4. 8. Dutch artist known for Girl with a Pearl Earring and his use of light
  5. 9. Italian Baroque artist known for his dramatic use of light and shadow
  6. 11. French artist known for his use of color and cut-out collages
  7. 13. French artist known for his paintings and sculptures of dancers
  8. 16. French impressionist painter known for his series of water lilies
  9. 18. Spanish artist who co-founded the Cubist movement
  10. 19. Mexican artist known for her self-portraits and folk art style
  1. 1. Dutch artist known for his self-portraits and The Night Watch
  2. 2. Spanish artist known for his portraits and Las Meninas
  3. 4. Italian Renaissance artist known for the Sistine Chapel ceiling
  4. 7. French post-impressionist painter known for his still lifes and landscapes
  5. 10. Spanish artist known for his portraits and The Third of May, 1808
  6. 11. French artist who bridged the gap between Realism and Impressionism
  7. 12. Italian Renaissance artist known for the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper
  8. 14. Dutch post-impressionist painter known for Starry Night and self-portraits
  9. 15. Italian Renaissance artist known for his use of color and mythological scenes
  10. 17. American pop artist known for his Campbell's Soup Cans and Marilyn Monroe prints