Famous Authors

  1. 2. She wrote those books about vampires that got turned into awful movies.
  2. 3. His rhymes were sick... and he also wrote books for kids i guess
  3. 7. Author of the Harry Potter books
  4. 9. "In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit"
  5. 11. author of "A time to kill"
  6. 12. Known as the "Greatest humorist the United States has produced"
  7. 13. author of the "Chronicles of Narnia" books.
  8. 14. author of "For whom the bell tolls"
  9. 15. Author of such books as "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" and " Fantastic Mr Fox"
  1. 1. author of Oliver Twist
  2. 4. known as the greatest writer in the English language.
  3. 5. author of The Great Gatsby
  4. 6. author of Pride and Prejudice
  5. 8. He is described as the "King of Horror"
  6. 10. Author of the allegorical novela Animal Farm.