Famous Landmarks of The World

  1. 2. - Massive Temple Complex
  2. 4. - Iron Tower in Paris
  3. 5. Picchu - Incan Citadel in the Andes
  4. 8. - Ancient Egyptian Tombs
  5. 10. - Russian Seat of Power
  6. 11. - Ancient Greek Citadel
  7. 13. Ben - Iconic Clock Tower
  8. 14. - Symbol of Freedom in New York
  1. 1. - Ancient Greek Temple
  2. 3. - Rose City Carved in Rock
  3. 6. - Ancient Gladiator Arena
  4. 7. Wall - Ancient Chinese Barrier
  5. 9. - Moorish Palace in Granada
  6. 12. - Iconic Opera House
  7. 15. - White Marble Mausoleum