Famous mathematicians

  1. 10. A pair of numbers that describe the location of a point on a grid.
  2. 12. The location of a point on a grid.
  3. 13. The study of plane and solid figures on the basis of axioms and theorems employed by the Greek mathematician Euclid.
  4. 15. A Principle that states a body totally or partially immersed in a fluid is subject to an upward force equal in magnitude to the weight of fluid it displaces.
  5. 16. The part of mathematics that helps represent problems or situations in the form of mathematical expressions.
  6. 17. A branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change.
  7. 19. A branch of math relating to lines, shapes, and dimensions(X,Y,Z).
  8. 20. Theory that every event has a specific chance of happening.
  1. 1. A group made by Pythagoras.
  2. 2. Two expressions with a symbol between them to show that they are equivalent.
  3. 3. The area of a surface of an object.
  4. 4. The name of the 13 books made by Euclid.
  5. 5. A branch of mathematics that deals with the study of triangles.
  6. 6. The branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of numbers, especially the positive integers.
  7. 7. The space a 3D object takes up.
  8. 8. A number that can’t be represented by a fraction, doesn’t terminate, and doesn’t repeat.
  9. 9. A theorem made by the Pythagorean group.
  10. 11. The branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers.
  11. 14. The chance of something happening.
  12. 18. The branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.