Famous Movies

  1. 1. "May the Force be with you"
  2. 4. "Life is like a box of chocolates.."
  3. 5. "My friends. You bow to no one."
  4. 6. "There's no place like home"
  5. 7. A movie about two men forming a friendship in prison as one plans his escape
  6. 9. "Why so serious?"
  7. 13. A movie about a child helping an alien return to his home planet
  8. 14. "You're gonna need a bigger boat."
  9. 16. A movie about a town with a ban on dancing
  10. 20. "Just keep swimming"
  11. 22. A movie about the founding of Facebook
  12. 23. A movie about a team of scientists trapped on an island inhabited by dinosaurs
  13. 25. "to infinity and beyond!"
  14. 26. "With great power comes great responsibility."
  15. 27. This movie takes place in Gotham City
  1. 2. A mob movie staring Al Pacino and Marlon Brando
  2. 3. "You're killin' me, Smalls"
  3. 8. Indiana Jones
  4. 9. A boy takes a train to the North Pole on Christmas Eve
  5. 10. "I volunteer as tribute."
  6. 11. Buffalo Bill is the serial killer in this movie
  7. 12. "Houston, we have a problem"
  8. 15. "There's no crying in baseball!"
  9. 17. "If you build it, he will come"
  10. 18. "Some people are worth melting for"
  11. 19. "I feel the need- the need for speed!"
  12. 21. In Shrek, what does Shrek compare ogres to
  13. 24. "It was beauty killed the beast"