Famous mythological creatures

  1. 5. Human upper body with a fish tail instead of legs
  2. 6. Multi-headed serpent that grows back two heads when one is cut off
  3. 8. Monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man, from Greek mythology
  4. 9. Creature with snakes for hair, turns people to stone with a gaze (like Medusa)
  5. 10. Creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle
  6. 12. Three-headed dog that guards the underworld in Greek mythology
  7. 14. Human that transforms into a wolf-like creature
  8. 16. Winged horse from Greek mythology
  9. 18. Creature with the head of a lion, body of a goat, and tail of a serpent
  10. 19. Large, ugly creature from Norse mythology
  1. 1. Creature with a human head and a lion's body, known for riddles
  2. 2. Small, winged creature with magical powers
  3. 3. Small, mischievous creature from Irish folklore, associated with rainbows and pots of gold
  4. 4. Undead creature that feeds on blood, often associated with bats
  5. 7. Reptilian creature with wings, often breathes fire
  6. 11. One-eyed giant from Greek mythology
  7. 13. Half-human, half-horse creature from Greek mythology
  8. 15. Tiny, human-like creature with pointed ears, often associated with magic
  9. 16. Bird that rises from its own ashes after death
  10. 17. Horse-like creature with a single horn on its forehead