Famous people

  1. 2. sb who designs machines and structures
  2. 3. having no mistakes, exact
  3. 6. a piece of equipment made of thin cloth that people wear to safely jump from planes
  4. 7. smart
  5. 12. to do sth with success
  6. 14. amazing, astonishing
  7. 15. very accurate, precise or thorough
  8. 16. having special natural abilities, like being creative or athletic
  9. 17. element/thing you need to build, make sth or do an activity
  10. 18. to build
  11. 20. wanting to learn more
  12. 21. a reflective glass ('mirror' writing means it was written backwards and could be read by reflecting it in a mirror)
  1. 1. a period of time that one is alive for
  2. 4. modelled after or built according to
  3. 5. sb who seeks wisdom about or answers to the meaning of things such as life, truth, existence, etc
  4. 8. sb who studies the Earth's structure, surface and origins
  5. 9. to remain In existence
  6. 10. to think of(sb) as (sth)
  7. 11. a small device used to make mathematical calculations
  8. 13. the people and companies involved in producing goods, like steel or cloth
  9. 19. sb who makes statues, usually out of clay or stone