Famous Psychologists

  1. 1. Erikson, he developed The 8 Stages of Human Development
  2. 4. Bandura, he conducted The Bobo doll experiment.
  3. 6. Das, he proposed PASS - theory of intelligence.
  4. 7. Spearman, he developed Two-Factor theory.
  5. 8. Freud, she established the field of child psychoanalysis.
  6. 9. Rorschach, the person who gave the Inkblot test.
  7. 10. J. Sternberg, he proposed the Triarchic theory of intelligence.
  8. 12. Piaget, he is known for his work on child development.
  9. 13. Rogers, he is known for developing Client-Centered therapy.
  10. 15. Freud, he is the founder of Psychoanalysis.
  11. 16. Stern, he introduced intelligence quotient (IQ).
  12. 17. Cattell, he created Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF).
  1. 2. Horney, she developed theories of neurosis.
  2. 3. Wundt, he established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879.
  3. 5. Festinger, he is best known for cognitive dissonance theory.
  4. 6. B. Watson, he is known for the scientific theory of Behaviorism.
  5. 7. jung, he founded analytical psychology.
  6. 11. Bleuler, he coined many psychiatric terms, such as schizophrenia, autism.
  7. 14. Adler, He found individual psychology (a school of psychology).
  8. 18. Ainsworth, she proposed the attachment theory.