Famous psychologists

  1. 3. Dog experiments for classical conditioning
  2. 5. theory of stages of moral development
  3. 8. developed behaviourism
  4. 9. bobo the doll experiments
  5. 11. father of contemporary positive psychology
  6. 13. formed social cultural theory and zone of prozimal development
  7. 14. developed humanistic psychology
  8. 17. researched parenting styles, authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive
  9. 18. theory of cognitive dissonance and social comparison
  10. 20. Founded analytical psychology, concepts of archetypes and collective unconscious
  11. 21. social isolation on young monkeys
  12. 23. researched operant conditioning and leader in behaviourism
  13. 25. theories of neurosis, feminine psychology, and self-psychology
  14. 26. father of american psychology, contributed to functionalism
  1. 1. developed the first widely used intelligence test
  2. 2. hierarchy of needs
  3. 4. Father of modern linguistics, major figure in analytic philosophy
  4. 5. worked on cognitive biases
  5. 6. infant temperament, infancy behaviours are predictive of behaviours in adolescence
  6. 7. founder of psychoanalysis and created Oedipus complex
  7. 10. created attachment theory
  8. 11. Formed triarchic theory of intelligence
  9. 12. Established the very first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig
  10. 15. stage theory of cognitive development
  11. 16. worked on hypnosis especially with regard to pain control
  12. 19. stage theory of psychosocial development
  13. 22. Social psychologist and did social conformity experiments
  14. 24. Pioneered study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions