Famous Psychologists

  1. 2. Functionalism
  2. 5. First intelligence test
  3. 7. Taste Aversion
  4. 9. Hierarchy of needs
  5. 10. Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  6. 12. Experiment with monkeys
  7. 17. Developmental stages
  8. 18. Stages of psychosocial development
  9. 21. Conformity experiment
  10. 22. Known for his experiment that challenges the validity of psychiatry diagnosis
  11. 23. Theory of the forgetting curve and spacing effect
  12. 25. Father of client centered therapy
  13. 26. Work on classical conditioning
  14. 27. Founded analytical psychology
  1. 1. Study of emotions and facial expressions
  2. 3. Operant Conditioning Chamber
  3. 4. Father of cognitive therapy
  4. 6. Behaviourism
  5. 8. Social Learning Theory
  6. 9. Study on obedience to authority
  7. 11. Development of attachment theory
  8. 13. Research on human memory
  9. 14. Famous for his research on hypnosis
  10. 15. Moral Stages of Development
  11. 16. Social comparison theory and cognitive dissonance
  12. 19. Work on Temperament
  13. 20. Standford Prison Experiment
  14. 24. Father of psychoanalysis