Fancy Shmancy Words to Impress Your Teacher

  1. 3. Antonym of the word "lethargic".
  2. 5. good,_____, best
  3. 7. The sentence "We don't talk anymore" can be replaced with "You and I no longer _____ in verbal".
  4. 8. "I'm keen on" is a better way to say "I ____".
  5. 10. We have to study ____ our exam.
  6. 12. Despite having a vast vocabulary, Ravienesh doesn't like to _____.
  1. 1. Does this homework discombobulate you? What is the meaning of "discombobulate"?
  2. 2. Synonym of "old".
  3. 4. My English teacher gave everyone a simple homework to do over the holiday. We're over the moon. One word to replace "over the moon".
  4. 6. Another word for good.
  5. 9. Another word for ecstatic.
  6. 11. 4ST1 are quite _____ but Chan Zhe on the other hand is bold and outgoing.
  7. 13. cold, ____, coldest