Fandom Trivia

  1. 6. Twilight: Jasper’s special power
  2. 9. Marvel: Sam Wilson’s drone
  3. 11. SPN: Dean compares himself to this superhero in Bad Day at Black Rock
  4. 13. HP: Hepzibah Smith’s house elf
  5. 14. Marvel: Dwarf who made Thanos’ gauntlet
  6. 15. Twilight: The game Bella and Edward play during their honeymoon
  7. 16. SPN: Dean’s car is a 1967 ___ Impala
  8. 17. HP: Tapestry across the RoR
  9. 18. Twilight: Where Alice was turned into a vampire
  1. 1. SPN: Henry Winchester’s wife
  2. 2. SPN: Dean’s allergic to ___
  3. 3. Marvel: Goose swallows it in Captain Marvel
  4. 4. Marvel: Loki enslaves ___ in The Avengers
  5. 5. Marvel: Planet that Red Skull was banished to
  6. 7. Twilight: The coven name for the Cullen family
  7. 8. HP: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-___
  8. 10. HP: Vernon Dursley’s place of work
  9. 12. Twilight: The beach Bella goes to with friends
  10. 14. SPN: The language for Angels
  11. 19. HP: Polyjuice potion ingredient; ___ flies