Fantasy Animals

  1. 7. beautiful women who fought in battles
  2. 8. a giant but with one eye
  3. 10. a unicorn with wings
  4. 12. like a mermaid except folklore suggests that they would use their song to crash ships that sailed at sea
  5. 15. a scally creature with wings who can breath fire
  6. 16. a horse with wings
  7. 17. a whale with a magical horn
  8. 18. a monstrous squid
  1. 1. a magical being that lives under the sea and hads a scally tail
  2. 2. the undead
  3. 3. a horse with a colorful main and gold horn
  4. 4. a majestic bird made out of fire
  5. 5. a magical being who rides a broom and can blend in the society
  6. 6. a tiny magical creature with wings
  7. 9. a creature that can not go out in the sunlight and has pointy fangs
  8. 11. Jacob from Twilight
  9. 13. half man half goat
  10. 14. half man half horse