
  1. 4. A male chicken that crows in the morning to wake up the farm.
  2. 8. The creatures that live on a farm, such as cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep.
  3. 9. The oval-shaped objects laid by birds like chickens, often used for food.
  4. 11. The person who takes care of the farm, grows crops, and raises animals.
  5. 12. A farming tool that's pulled by a tractor or animals to turn over the soil for planting.
  6. 13. A building on the farm where horses are kept and cared for.
  7. 14. Dried grass and plants that are stored in barns and used as food for animals.
  1. 1. Plants grown on a farm for food, like corn, wheat, and vegetables.
  2. 2. A shelter for cows on the farm, often where they're milked.
  3. 3. A powerful vehicle used on farms to plow fields and move heavy things.
  4. 5. A tall, cylindrical structure on a farm used to store grains and silage.
  5. 6. The white liquid that comes from cows and is used to make dairy products like cheese and butter.
  6. 7. A big red or wooden building on a farm where animals and equipment are kept.
  7. 10. A small area on the farm where fruits, vegetables, and flowers are grown.
  8. 12. A small shelter for pigs on the farm.