
  1. 1. it woofs
  2. 3. it keeps animals from escaping
  3. 4. It purrs
  4. 6. it lays eggs
  5. 8. it’s green and it’s eatable for animals
  6. 10. you get milk from it
  7. 11. it smells and it squeals
  8. 13. it’s white and woolly
  9. 15. it’s brown and squelchy
  10. 16. it’s on a farm and you live in it
  11. 17. it stores hay and animals
  1. 1. it swims in water
  2. 2. it’s waterproof and you get dirty
  3. 5. It’s big it’s on a farm and it lifts stuff and it has an engine
  4. 6. it harvests oats
  5. 7. you ride it
  6. 9. it’s on a farm and you store stuff in it
  7. 12. it flies and squawks
  8. 14. swans swim in it
  9. 17. farm animals can eat it and it comes in a cylinder