UOI - 5 Farming

  1. 2. This crop sown mainly in summer season.
  2. 4. it sprayed by farmer to control weeds.
  3. 8. Bajara seed sown by this method.
  4. 11. Who starts decomposing waste to produce manure.
  5. 12. They release nutrients after their decomposition.
  6. 14. loss of top layer of soil by wind and water is called--
  1. 1. Rearing of silkworm.
  2. 3. it helps in cutting small trees.
  3. 5. coriander seeds are sown by---
  4. 6. helps in beating grains and crops and is a threshing tool.
  5. 7. chemical substance which improve the growth of plant.
  6. 9. One name of pesticide.
  7. 10. it prevent soil erosion.
  8. 13. rabi crops are sown in ---- season.