
  1. 4. Farms specialising in the rearing of animals
  2. 7. the decisions and actions taken during farming.
  3. 9. Farms where produce is grown for sale
  4. 10. elements that are needed for a farm to function; they can be physical, eg. sunlight or human, eg. labour.
  5. 12. Farms with high input and high yield per hectare. Can include high-technology resources or lots of labour.
  6. 13. what is left for the farmer's own use or investment once costs have been paid.
  7. 14. Farms where produce is mainly grown for the farmer’s own use. Any surplus is sold to buy other goods.
  1. 1. the resulting produce from the farm; they may be for sale, or for the farmer's own use.
  2. 2. the physical shape of the Earth’s surface which is determined by its altitude / height above sea level. It is greatly affected by the underlying geology
  3. 3. Animals kept at high density in small units
  4. 5. the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years.
  5. 6. Farms specialising in growing crops
  6. 8. Farms with low input and low output per hectare. High yield is achieved by covering large areas with few workers.
  7. 11. the quantity of product harvested on a given cultivated surface.