Farming and the Environment Crossword

  1. 5. What has drastically changed the appearance of the countryside all over the world?
  2. 6. The cultivation of bees for the production of honey.
  3. 7. What is used to ensure a future supply of paper and other wood products?
  4. 11. What is another word for seed from various grasses?
  5. 12. The process of an individual organism growing organically.
  6. 14. Any plant cultivated by people.
  7. 15. Something that was produced by reactions involving atomic or molecular changes.
  8. 16. Any substance that can be metabolized to give energy.
  9. 18. To adapt something wild to the environment.
  10. 21. The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.
  11. 22. The process of growth in plants.
  12. 23. The production of food primarily for consumption by the farmer’s family.
  13. 25. The action of clearing a wide area of trees.
  1. 1. IPM or ______ is a way to control insects that damage crops.
  2. 2. What reduces costs to farmers and helps protect the environment?
  3. 3. The process of farming water for the production of fish and shellfish.
  4. 4. Human actions causing land quality to deteriorate.
  5. 8. The production of food primarily for sale off the farm.
  6. 9. The natural process in which the topsoil of a field is carried away by physical sources such as wind and water.
  7. 10. The practice of cultivating the land or raising livestock.
  8. 13. The growing of fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
  9. 17. This is what commercial farming is called.
  10. 19. A chemical used to kill destructive insects or animals.
  11. 20. Rotating the use of different fields from crop to crop each year.
  12. 24. A compound made artificially by chemical reactions.