Fat Digestion and Pancreatitis

  1. 3. Enzyme of the pancreas
  2. 5. First portion of the Small Intestine
  3. 8. Symptom of bilirubin buildup
  4. 10. Synonymous with "blockage"
  5. 11. Where the Bile Duct and Pancreatic Duct Meet
  6. 14. Lipase breaks these into monoglycerides and fatty acids
  7. 15. Are most lipids hydrophobic or hydrophilic?
  1. 1. Where gallstones are produced
  2. 2. The waste product that in found within Bile Salts
  3. 4. Organ where the Ampulla of Vater Inserts Into
  4. 6. The organ that produces lipase
  5. 7. Made up of acids, cholesterol, and a waste product; very important for fat digestion
  6. 9. The pancreas is located behind this organ
  7. 12. Inflammation of the pancreas
  8. 13. The organ that produces bile salts