Father's Day Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Great fun up hills and down valleys
  2. 5. Spot a moose, get more toppings
  3. 8. Casper Mountain, Russian Jack Park, and Girdwood
  4. 10. Filthy, stinky, funny, "worthless mutt"...and best friend ever!
  5. 11. A ride to the top gives a good view of the mountains and Turnagain Arm
  6. 12. Three days of family time, relaxing and playing Yahtzee...and rocking and rolling at night
  7. 13. Cheeseheads, cheesecurds, nachos, hot dogs, layers and layers of clothing
  8. 14. Spring Break...beachcombing and a heart of shells
  9. 17. We really dig this place we went near Hot Springs, South Dakota.
  10. 18. Whether in a tent or the trailer, it's always a great time with family
  11. 20. You call Nic this sometimes
  12. 21. We're hooked on this summer pastime in Alaska...and it's good eating all year long
  13. 22. A great way to explore and see the mountains
  14. 23. Nic's choice on his first day back
  15. 24. Caribou, deer, turkey, gopher, pronghorn, moose, ducks, etc.
  16. 25. Westchester Lagoon fun on a winter day
  17. 27. One of Annie's favorite places
  18. 28. Kasilof or Kenai, sockeye and a dog bite...ouch!
  19. 29. Boogie boarding, ocean fun...just don't ride the banana boats!
  1. 1. Hole in the ice...jig, jig, jig
  2. 3. Duno the game we played at the cabin?
  3. 4. Happy Thanksgiving!
  4. 6. Be careful so they don't burn! MMMMM good!
  5. 7. Another "Nic name"
  6. 9. Our dad's the best cook ever, and this is one of our favorites
  7. 14. Relaxing at home with the family
  8. 15. One ski downhill on snow
  9. 16. Unforgettable snakes, turtles and prairie dogs
  10. 19. Hiked around it and saw a deer really close to Nic!
  11. 26. Small name, big body