- 2. Great fun up hills and down valleys
- 5. Spot a moose, get more toppings
- 8. Casper Mountain, Russian Jack Park, and Girdwood
- 10. Filthy, stinky, funny, "worthless mutt"...and best friend ever!
- 11. A ride to the top gives a good view of the mountains and Turnagain Arm
- 12. Three days of family time, relaxing and playing Yahtzee...and rocking and rolling at night
- 13. Cheeseheads, cheesecurds, nachos, hot dogs, layers and layers of clothing
- 14. Spring Break...beachcombing and a heart of shells
- 17. We really dig this place we went near Hot Springs, South Dakota.
- 18. Whether in a tent or the trailer, it's always a great time with family
- 20. You call Nic this sometimes
- 21. We're hooked on this summer pastime in Alaska...and it's good eating all year long
- 22. A great way to explore and see the mountains
- 23. Nic's choice on his first day back
- 24. Caribou, deer, turkey, gopher, pronghorn, moose, ducks, etc.
- 25. Westchester Lagoon fun on a winter day
- 27. One of Annie's favorite places
- 28. Kasilof or Kenai, sockeye and a dog bite...ouch!
- 29. Boogie boarding, ocean fun...just don't ride the banana boats!
- 1. Hole in the ice...jig, jig, jig
- 3. Duno the game we played at the cabin?
- 4. Happy Thanksgiving!
- 6. Be careful so they don't burn! MMMMM good!
- 7. Another "Nic name"
- 9. Our dad's the best cook ever, and this is one of our favorites
- 14. Relaxing at home with the family
- 15. One ski downhill on snow
- 16. Unforgettable snakes, turtles and prairie dogs
- 19. Hiked around it and saw a deer really close to Nic!
- 26. Small name, big body