Fayo's study guide puzzle

  1. 2. 13. When was Carter awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
  2. 5. 5. What did he become for Georgia in 1972?
  3. 7. 19. The Savannah Seaport accounts for how much in revenue?
  4. 9. 8. What did Young and Carter do for minorities and women?
  5. 10. 1. What were Maynard Jackson's 3 first as mayor?
  6. 12. 10. Jimmy Carter created a treaty between what two Asia countries?
  7. 13. 11. Jimmy Carter created a treaty with which communist country?
  8. 17. 3. While in office what did he add, expand, improve(2), help bring?
  9. 19. 16. What has led to the traffic problems in the area?
  1. 1. 4. Andrew Young helped organize what for the SCLC?
  2. 3. 15. The Olympics generated how much for Atlanta and the state?
  3. 4. 17. The tourism industry accounts for what of the state's workforce?
  4. 6. 6. Andrew Young became governor between whose 2' and 3'" term?
  5. 8. 18. How many tourists visit other cities in Georgia?
  6. 11. 7. Andrew Young brought how much in private investment to Atlanta and how many jobs to the region?
  7. 14. 9. What political office did Jimmy Carter hold before being elected president?
  8. 15. 2. How many terms did Maynard Jackson serve if, 1 term=4 years?
  9. 16. 14. How many years before the Olympics took place was Atlanta chosen to be the city for the Summer Olympics?
  10. 18. 12. While president what type of economy did the United States have?