FCSL School Spirit

  1. 5. Is a student volunteer research service intended to provide free legal research services to lawyers working for public interest law organizations? (Hint: “Public Interest Research __________”)
  2. 6. The Registrar and Financial Aid Office’s are located on this floor?
  3. 7. Associate Dean of Student Affairs.
  4. 9. The Student Bar Association also known as “____” is a group of elected representatives committed to serving the needs of the student body.
  5. 11. You can't go swimming in the lake out back because there are ___________.
  6. 14. On the first floor, there is a _____________ where all students could utilize the refrigerators, conventional oven, microwaves, and toasters.
  7. 16. The President of Florida Coastal School of Law is Dennis __________.
  8. 18. What does FCSL give out for free every Wednesdays in the back porch?
  9. 20. The Student Bar Association President is Sarah ____________.
  1. 1. ______ Keller is the librarian that always has a flower in her hair.
  2. 2. Academic Success is located on this floor?
  3. 3. The Center for Professional Development is located on this floor?
  4. 4. The Director of Clinical Programs is Ericka ________________.
  5. 8. This student group assists in official school events, provide guided school tours, and act as a liaison for the public at large. (Hint: “Student _______________”.
  6. 9. The Clinic is located on this floor?
  7. 10. The Director of Academic Services and Registration a.k.a. Registrar is Bridgette ______________.
  8. 12. Students edit and publish legal articles submitted by legal scholars and practitioners. Students also write articles and case notes for publication. (Hint: “Florida Coastal ¬¬¬________ Review”)
  9. 13. Florida Coastal School of Law’s No. 1 nationally ranked advocacy program is ____________ Court Honor Board.
  10. 15. If you ever need a quick bite to eat, then go to the “Cafe _______________.”
  11. 17. You are guaranteed to always find security personnel on this floor.
  12. 19. If you would like to be apart of an elite group of law students trained in the art of trial-level litigation, then you should try out for ¬¬_______________ trial.