
  1. 4. This subject allows us to explore the world around us
  2. 5. A great way to bond with classmates is through ______ projects
  3. 6. Things that are essential for learning and taking notes
  4. 8. Events that make your school year unforgettable
  5. 10. ______ trips that are exciting activities outside of the classroom
  6. 11. A way to carry your books and school items
  7. 12. A daily schedule that includes different classes
  8. 14. The start of a new adventure
  1. 1. The process of getting ready for school
  2. 2. Back to _________ is an exciting adventure that begins after summer
  3. 3. Friendly guides who help you learn and grow
  4. 7. Taking part in sports or clubs
  5. 9. Summer fun comes to an ________.
  6. 13. Playing together during a break time