FDM Technology Deep Dive

  1. 2. Material used in FDM technology.
  2. 4. A system for keeping the print cool.
  3. 6. Used to create complex prints.
  4. 8. Adjusting the filament flow.
  5. 10. Key factor in FDM printing.
  6. 11. The first layer of an FDM print.
  7. 14. The software used for digital modeling.
  8. 15. A common FDM material.
  9. 17. The added dimension in FDM prints.
  10. 18. Technology for printer control.
  11. 19. The primary building block of an FDM print.
  12. 20. Creates 3D models for FDM.
  1. 1. A property of materials used in FDM.
  2. 3. Capability of some FDM materials.
  3. 5. Machines using FDM technology.
  4. 7. Units to specify printer size.
  5. 9. Direction of material in FDM.
  6. 12. The outermost layer of an FDM print.
  7. 13. Part of the printer that moves material.
  8. 16. Software to prepare 3D models.