  1. 4. Made something well-known or widely liked by many people.
  2. 6. Links or relationships between different things.
  3. 8. Showing or describing something.
  4. 10. Feeling like there is too much of something.
  5. 11. Words a person knows and uses in a language.
  6. 12. The way words are said or spoken.
  7. 14. Something that is easy to deal with or handle.
  8. 15. To arrange things in a neat or orderly way.
  1. 1. Groups of things that share similar characteristics or traits.
  2. 2. To form a picture or image in your mind.
  3. 3. The ability to come up with new and original ideas.
  4. 5. To make something easier to understand or do.
  5. 7. Understanding or grasping the meaning of something.
  6. 9. Connections between different ideas, words, or concepts.
  7. 13. Easy to understand without the need for explanation.