
  1. 2. The numerous branches off the shaft that form the vane
  2. 6. The flight feathers of the wings
  3. 7. The flattened part of the feather attached to each side of the shaft
  4. 10. A hybrid between a down feather and a contour feather
  5. 12. An insulating layer of fluffy feathers
  6. 14. Hairlike feathers
  7. 15. To ruffle the feathers and resettle into their natural position
  8. 16. What are feathers made of?
  1. 1. The main shaft of the feather
  2. 3. Feathers usually found around the mouth, nostrils, and eyes
  3. 4. Cleaning, conditioning, and straightening the feathers
  4. 5. The hollow lower part of the feather shaft
  5. 8. tiny hooks that interlock to hold the barbules together
  6. 9. The long feathers of the tail
  7. 11. The periodic replacement of feathers
  8. 13. The surface feathers of the body, wings, and tail