February Fact-Finding FUN

  1. 3. The human heart has 4 of these
  2. 4. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is known for being a non-violent leader of this movement
  3. 6. Another name for a groundhog
  4. 7. Most famous woman of the Underground Railroad
  5. 8. The European holiday that inspired our modern-day Groundhog Day
  6. 10. PA's most famous groundhog's name (the one from Punxsutawney, not the lottery)
  7. 12. As an agricultural chemist, he became the most renowned Black scientist of the 20th century
  8. 14. Once every 4th year the calendar gets and extra day in February, so we call it a ______ ______
  9. 16. African American singer known as the "Queen of Soul"
  10. 17. President's Day celebrates the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln. Whose birthday is earlier in the month?
  11. 18. The Alabama city the bus was driving through when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat
  12. 19. Susan B. Anthony fought for women's right to vote, which is referred to by this term
  1. 1. Host city for the 2026 Winter Olympic Games
  2. 2. The Super Bowl Halftime Show headlining performer
  3. 3. A popular and sweet Valentine's Day gift
  4. 5. The best genre in the library for celebrating Valentine's Day
  5. 9. This Pennsylvania town hosts the Fire and Ice Festival from February 17 - 26 this year.
  6. 11. City that is headquarters to the American Heart Association
  7. 13. The first Black Major League Baseball player
  8. 15. English translation of the French phrase "Mardi Gras"