
  1. 2. February is _____ history month
  2. 6. This holiday is the love holiday.(one word)
  3. 9. "Roses are red, Violets are blue" This is an example of
  4. 10. The shortest month of the year
  5. 12. What is the season of February?
  1. 1. The opposite of "hate"
  2. 3. KitKat, Skittles, Reese's, Starbursts etc.
  3. 4. has pedals and is a plant. Ex daisies, Sun______
  4. 5. The Valentines angel
  5. 7. "Can the groundhog see his ______?"
  6. 8. comes every four years in February (two words)
  7. 11. Who invented Valentines day?