February & Winter trivia

  1. 2. February astrology signs
  2. 6. Utqiaġvik, Alaska, enters a period of near-total darkness also known as a polar night. How long does it last?
  3. 7. February is known for celebrate, honor, reflect, and educate on this
  4. 8. How many days is February typically?
  5. 9. Derived nearly 300 products from the peanut
  6. 13. Almost 9 million people in U.S. buy their dogs gifts or cards for this
  7. 17. 2nd Sunday of February
  8. 18. Sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  9. 19. This country hosted both Winter & Summer Olympic
  10. 21. Every 4 years.
  11. 23. In Home Alone, where does Kevin’s family end up for the holidays?
  12. 24. Who voices Elsa in the movie Frozen?
  13. 26. February Flowers
  1. 1. First U.S. woman to become self-made millionaire
  2. 3. This country has won the most Olympic medals
  3. 4. Based on German superstition. And in Germany it’s not a groundhog that forecasts either early spring or longer winter: It’s a badger.
  4. 5. February birthstone
  5. 6. President's Day
  6. 10. In the movie Ice Age, what is the name of the ground sloth?
  7. 11. One of the most frequently misspelled words in the English language
  8. 12. Where does fondue originate from?
  9. 14. First African American woman elected to U.S. House of Representatives
  10. 15. Who plays Queen Latifah’s love interest in the movie Last Holiday?
  11. 16. Only Country to have won a medal at every Olympic Winter Games
  12. 20. In the Southern Hemisphere, when does winter take place?
  13. 22. ________ is a sport in which players stones on a sheet of ice towards a target area.
  14. 25. York Which US state is home to the largest number of ski resorts (50+)?