How well do you know your coworkers?

  1. 2. What is the first thing Riley would buy if he won the lottery?
  2. 5. What is the one snack we could always find in Cindy's kitchen?
  3. 10. What card game does Donna like to play?
  4. 12. How many grandchildren does Debbie H have?
  5. 13. What city was Cassidy born in?
  6. 14. What is Jackie's full first name?
  7. 15. What is Kayla's favorite TV show?
  8. 16. What is one of James' hobbies?
  9. 17. What is Michael G's dog's name?
  1. 1. What is John D's favorite movie?
  2. 3. What high school did Austin attend?
  3. 4. What college did Allison attend?
  4. 6. What is Neil's hobby?
  5. 7. What is Carrie's favorite movie?
  6. 8. What month did John K start working at CEL&P?
  7. 9. What is one of Thad's hobbies?
  8. 11. Where is Andrea's dream vacation?